Perfection kills productivity
Chances are that even if you think everything is perfect, your client will think otherwise.
Practice makes perfect.
But does it need to be perfect?
A lot of people have difficulties with perfectionism. Everything needs to be PERFECT. What I've learned is that good enough, is also good. In architecture, your clients don't see that you haven't used the right line thickness in your first draft, or that your dimension lines are not all aligned the same way.
In setting up your business you don’t need to have your website already built nor should you already have the perfect logo, brand, business card. Start doing and think less of what still needs to be improved. Chances are that even if you think everything is perfect, your client will think otherwise.
Perfectionism kills productivity because people end up adding bits of details endlessly and in the end that doesn’t make that your client is in or out of the process.
If you have an idea, do it. Make a prototype as quickly as possible. In architecture we use cardboard, and not even pretty cardboard. And lots of tape. Or glue. And we use that model and cut into it, rip it apart, try again. The thing is that the core is visible, and if that seems accurate, the rest will follow.
In these newsletters I will talk about:
How facilitating can improve your workplace
Improve team productivity
Improve happiness at work
Sustainable workplaces
Innovation and Design Thinking
Fixing team collaborations
When? Every Monday. Just to tune in your workweek and to inspire you!
Speak soon!