Why subscribe?
Hey! Great to have you here. I’m Katrien and I created this substack as a way to do research on my own and write about it.
The research I’m doing involves architecture and anthropology. I’m interested in the behavior which is posed in our physical working environment and how that affects our way of collaborating, focussing and our quality of work.
There are many studies around our behavior, architecture, anthropology, emotions,.. though I’d love to dive deep into it and change our working spaces for the better.
It is interesting that more is known about animal than about human spatial behavior. We know, for example, the connection between crowding of chickens and egg-laying and the spacing of cows at the through and food consumption. If a captive animal is given too little, too much, or the wrong kind of space, it is likely te become ill, lose its body sheen, fail to reproduce, and eventually die. - Personal space, R. Sommer
Subscribe to my substack and keep up-to-date with the research I’m finding. Next to research I want to find ways in how to do physical research with companies in order to find their specific solutions for their already existing workplace.